10 Animals With Small Eyes (+Images)

Have you seen the animals with small eyes? If not then in this article we will explain the animals with small eyes. 

Which animal has the smallest eyes?

Here’s is the list of animals with small eyes : 

  • Elephant 
  • American shrew mole
  • mantis shrimp 
  • frog
  • shrews
  • Pygmy marmoset
  • Opossum
  • panda
  • pig
  • mongoose

Animals With Small Eyes :


Have you ever wondered why elephants have such big eyes? Well, they don’t really have big eyes at all. They simply have very large pupils. This allows them to see better in low light conditions.

Elephant eyes are actually quite small compared to other animals. The average eye size of an adult African elephant is only 2.5 cm (1 inch) across. In comparison, human eyes are around 6 cm (2.4 inches).

Elephants’ eyes are also much larger than their brain size. Their brains are relatively smaller than those of humans, dogs or cats.

Elephant eyes are a type of eye color that only occurs naturally in Asian elephants. They are very rare and are often mistaken for green or blue. What makes them so unique? Although these colors are rare, they are beautiful and unique. They are also very rare and expensive. This is why they are sought after by collectors around the globe.

American shrew mole

You’ve heard of the American mink, the European otter, and even the Chinese giant salamander. Now, meet the American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii), a rare species found only in the southern United States.

The American shrew mole lives underground in woodlands and forests from Florida to Texas. They spend their days digging tunnels through soil and leaf litter.

American shrew mole  have small eyes.  The American shrew mole has small , round, black eyes. They are also known as the “shrew mole” or the “American shrew mole”. 

They also have ears, noses, and tails. However, they don’t have legs like other mammals. Their body is covered with fur, which protects them from cold temperatures. The average lifespan for a shrew mole is about 2 years.

This mammal is nocturnal, meaning they don’t come out during the day. They eat insects, worms, and other invertebrates. Their fur helps them stay warm in cold weather.

mantis shrimp 

The animal with the smallest eyes is the mantis shrimp. Mantis shrimps have two large compound eyes on each side of their head. They use these eyes to detect movement and light. Their vision is much better than humans, who only have one small eye.

Mantis shrimp have some pretty impressive features, but they don’t seem to get much attention from scientists. Are their eyes really the best ever?

Mantis shrimp are crustaceans found in shallow coastal waters around the globe. They are known for their ability to camouflage themselves using their brilliant coloration and patterned skin. These animals also have very large eyes that are considered to be among the largest in the animal kingdom.

Mantis shrimp have evolved a unique eye structure that allows them to see better at night. This type of eye is called a compound eye because it has multiple lenses stacked together. The lenses allow light to pass through them, creating images that are then processed by the brain.


Frogs don’t eat with their mouths. Instead they use their tongue to push food into their mouth. This action is called buccal pumping.

Frogs have small eyes because they live in water where light is scarce. They use their large ears to detect sound waves. Their eyes are located at the sides of their head. The average size of a frog is about 10 cm.

Frogs use their eyes to detect prey. When a frog spots something edible, it uses its eye muscles to move its head back and forth. The movement pushes water over the surface of its eyes, creating pressure waves that cause ripples in the surrounding water. These ripples create tiny disturbances in the water that attract prey.

Frogs are amphibians that spend much of their time underwater. They live in ponds or streams where they feed on insects and other invertebrates. Their hearing helps them locate prey.

They hunt using their sense of smell, which allows them to detect prey from great distances. This ability comes from the fact that they have two nostrils, each connected to a large olfactory organ called a Jacobson’s organ.


Shrews are tiny mammals that live mostly underground. They have large ears, long snouts, and sharp teeth. Most species are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and wake at night.

Shrews eyes are small, black, and round. They live in burrows and eat insects. The eyes of shrews are located at the top of their heads, which makes them vulnerable to predators. However, they are able to move quickly when danger approaches.

Shrews are found throughout the world, except Antarctica. The largest species, the Eurasian pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus), has a head-body length of only 12 cm.

They have poor vision because their eyes are located far back on their heads. Their eyes are covered by skin, and they cannot see anything directly in front of them. Instead, they rely on hearing and smell to detect prey.

Pygmy marmoset

Pygmy marmoset do have small eyes. The average size of the eyes for a pygmy marmoset is about 1/3 the size of a human eye. They also have a smaller brain than humans.

Pygmy marmoset monkeys are known for their tiny size, but they also possess some very interesting cognitive abilities. Are they really smarter than other primates?

Pygmy marmosets live in South America and are considered to be the smallest primate species. They weigh around 100 grams (3.5 ounces) and stand only 3 inches tall. Their brains are smaller than those of other primates too.

They are believed to be the smartest of all primates, but scientists aren’t sure whether or not they are smarter than other primates. In addition, they are thought to be less intelligent than other animals such as dogs and cats.


Opossums have small eyes. The average size of an opossum’s eyes is about 1/4 inch wide.

Opossums have the ability to see better at night than humans. They also have a unique light organ called a tapetum lucidum, which helps them see in low light conditions. This allows them to hunt during the day and sleep at night.

Opossums are nocturnal mammals that live in North America. Their eyes contain a layer of cells called melanocytes, which produce pigment called eumelanin. These cells are located in the retina and iris. When exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, these cells produce pheomelanin, which gives the animal its characteristic brown coloration. The presence of both types of pigments makes the opossum eye glow.


Pandas are cute animals. They look like little bears and they love bamboo. Pandas live in China, Tibet, and other parts of Asia  and they eat bamboo leaves.

Pandas eyes are small and  are unique . They are large round black spots located at the center of each eye. Pandas use them to detect predators from up to 50 feet away. The spots are also used for communication between pandas.

Pandas have poor vision because they spend most of their lives sleeping. They only wake up for about 20 minutes each morning to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. This means that they don’t need to be able to see well during the day.

Pandas also have large ears and long tails. Their fur is soft and blackish gray.


Pigs have small eyes. The average eye size for a domestic pig is about 2.5 cm in diameter. This is smaller than the average human eye which measures approximately 4.5 cm in diameter, and larger than the average dog eye which measures only 1.7 cm in diameter.

Pigs are omnivores (eat both plants and meat) and are considered to be intelligent animals. They are also social creatures who live in groups called herds or flocks.

Pigs’ eyes are similar to human eyes because they both have eyelids, corneas, irises, and pupils. However, pig’s eyes are bigger than human eyes. Pig’s eyes also have a different color compared to human eyes.

Read More : Animals With Big Heads !


Mongooses have tiny eyes compared to other animals. They also have large ears which help them hear better.

Mongooses are cute little animals that live in Africa. They are known for their unique ability to see at night using only their eyes. How does this happen?

Mongooses are nocturnal creatures that hunt insects during the day, but they also spend time sleeping during the day. This means that they don’t have much light exposure during the day.

When they sleep, their eyes become very sensitive to light. In fact, they can even detect light from stars. This allows them to see well at night without having to rely on other senses such as hearing or smell.