Almost all the people like to keep pets but due to space, caring and experience problems many leave the idea of having pet, but most don’t know about the Aquarium and Terranium that can bes used to keep aquatic and land pets that are colorful and does not need more space, care, and attention.
In this article we are exploring the differences between Aquarium and Terranium, What animals and plants can be kept inside them, and many more interesting things about the Aquarium and Terranium.
Table of Contents
Difference Between Aquarium and Terrarium
1. Plants in Aquariums and Terrarium: (What plant is in Aquariums and Terrarium)
In aquariums there are aquatic plants, Whereas in the terrarium there are land plants.
- These aquarium plants can be Moneywort, Hornwort, Rotala Rotundifolia, Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Java Moss, Water Lettuce, Vallisneria Spirallis, Duckweed, Water Wisteria, African Water Fern etc.
- These land plants can be Fungi, Lichens, Polka dot plants, Miniature ferns and mosses, Peperomia, Nerve plants, Pilea, Venus flytraps, Miniature orchids, Pilea etc.
2. Animals in Aquariums and Terrarium: (What animal is in Aquariums and Terrarium)
In aquariums there are aquatic animals, Whereas in the terrarium there are land animals.
- These aquarium animals can be fishes, Guppies, Danios, Mollies, Betta Fish, Neon Tetra ,Goldfish, Angelfish, Blue Tang ,Golden Dwarf Barbs, Rainbowfish etc.
- These terrarium animals can be amphibians such as frogs, salamanders, reptiles such as turtles,chameleon, Invertebrates such as beetles, spiders, earthworms, crickets, etc.
3.Water Quantity:
The quantity of water in an aquarium is larger than the terrarium, sometimes there is no need for water in the terrarium. However, There should be more or enough water in aquariums because in the aquarium aquatic animals need water to survive, breathing, moving etc. Whereas in the Terrarium there is less or no water is present that depends on the animals that are going to live there.
In the terrarium, If the animals are reptiles they can manage without water but water is recommended for drinking, If the animals are amphibians, turtles then you should provide water for them, that they need for egg laying, swimming, etc.
In the aquarium, All kinds of animals depend on the water, those animals can be fishes, snails, water snakes, octopus, etc . They need more water because it brings more space for them so that they can stay away from other territorial, aggressive fishes.
4. Leak Proof or Water Proof:
Aquarium should be water leak proof as it contains the aquatic animals that can’t survive without water, In case of any leaks happens in an Aquarium.
Whereas the Terrarium may or may not be water leak proof because the terrarium animals depend upon the air so make sure you have enough pores or holes in your terrarium for breathing by the terrarium animals such as spiders, reptiles, earthworm, beetles etc. but not so big holes to come outside of the terrarium.
Remember, If the terrarium contains amphibians such as frogs, salamanders or the reptiles such as the turtles, they need water as some of them lay eggs in the water, swim in the water, etc for these reasons terrarium should contains some amount water that can’t lost by leaking in it.
5.Strength of the Aquarium and Terrarium Walls:
The Aquarium must have enough strength to hold the pressure exerted by the enormous amount of water weight due to gravitation and also by the playing and chasing aquatic animals.
You should remember that the one litre weighs about one Kg, think of the big tanks having 100-10,000 litres water in it, that is 100 to 10,000 Kg weight an aquarium has to hold. So in order to support this much weight and pressure the aquarium tank walls, that is, usually made up of glasses, should be thick enough to hold an enormous amount of force due to water and aquatic animals weight present in them.
Whereas the Terrarium does not need to be strong like the aquarium, as terrarium usually don’t completely filled with water. However, The walls of the terrarium must be strong enough to withstand the forces exerted by the terrarium animals, the plants, and other stuff such as barks, stones, rock, sand present in the terrarium.
6.Presence of Lid:
Aquariums usually don’t need lids, However it’s recommended to close them I’ll tell them why in the next paragraph. Whereas the terrarium is usually closed with lids because you don’t want to let those crawling animals such as spiders, reptiles, to come out of the terrarium, especially at night. Right!
Aquariums usually don’t need lids. However, there are some situations where they have to be closed by the lids. This situation can be if the aquarium contains snails, octopuses, water snakes, or certain kinds of crazy jumping fishes.
Sometimes the aquarium is closed with lids because the aquarium animals have a tendency to eat whatever that falls in the water that can lead to death. In other instances, If the aquarium is open type then there is a chance that other animals such as birds and cats might eat the aquarium animals, these all reasons make us to close the aquarium with lids.
7.Transparent walls and lids:
Both Aquarium and Terrarium need transparent walls, especially when we want to see them. But the Aquarium needs transparent walls than the Terrarium.
Aquarium needs transparent walls than the Terrarium because the aquarium animals and mainly aquarium plants need light that can be passed through the transparent walls, In the aquarium light can be obtained from the outside environment from the sun through the windows, or artificial lights outside the aquarium or sometimes from the aquarium lights that are fitted inside these aquariums.
If the terrarium plants don’t get enough sunlight or light it can manage to live while also the terrarium animals can also manage to live. However, the aquarium plants need sunlight or light that is coming through the transparent walls because these aquarium plants are going to produce oxygen in the water that is necessary for respiration by the aquatic animals because aquarium animals can’t breathe atmospheric air like the terrarium animals.
Aquariums require more maintenance than terrarium, that is, we need to recycle the water, maintain pH of the aquarium water, etc. which all requires time, money and experience.
Aquarium water has to be recycled frequently depending upon the aquarium animals it contains in it, pH of the aquarium water has to be regulated if its animals are sensitive to water pH. Often some people use medicinal kinds of tonic that they mix with aquarium water.
However, When we speak about cleaning the aquarium it is a tedious process involving high attention because you are dealing with live aquatic animals that have to be removed to other containers temporarily while you are cleaning the aquarium, the stones, pebbles or other ground things that also need to be taken care of. Whereas the terrarium does require some maintenance but not much like aquariums.
Usually aquariums require less temperature than those terrarium, temperature depends on the animals and plants that are living in the aquarium as well as in terrarium.
As aquariums contain the aquatic animals that usually like to live in cool environments ,that is, they usually require room temperature or sometimes below room temperature but some species of aquatic animals need specific temperature, especially when they are spawning.
While the terrarium animals can manage to live in room temperature or little above the room temperature that is similar to their habitats such as desert, tropical forests, dry land etc., if the terrarium animals are reptiles such as chameleon, lizards whose habitats are desert, tropical forests, dry land, etc.
Remember, Terrarium temperature sometimes needs to be below room temperature if it contains frogs, salamanders, baby crocodiles, alligators etc.
What Are Aquariums And Terrariums Used For?
Aquariums are artificial environments that are used to keep aquatic animals and aquatic plants for displaying them for educational, visual purposes, sometimes also taking care of these animals if they are endangered species, injured ones.
Aquariums are also used as temporary places giving shelter to escaped or injured aquatic animals until they become healthy, or they are transported to their natural environment to release them safely.
Terrariums are artificial environments that are used to keep terrestrial or land animals and terrestrial plants for displaying them for educational, visual purposes, sometimes also taking care of these animals if they are endangered species, injured ones.
Terrariums are also used as temporary places giving shelter to escaped or injured terrestrial animals until they become healthy, or they are transported to their natural environment to release them safely.
What Animals can live in a Terrarium ?
Terrestrial animals or land animals can live in a Terrarium. These Terrarium animals can be Reptiles such as turtles, chameleons, small crocodiles, Snakes, Invertebrates such as beetles, spiders, earthworms, crickets, Amphibians such as frogs, salamanders, etc.
Can reptiles live in a terrarium? Yes, Reptiles such as chameleons, lizards, snakes etc. can live in a Terrarium. Terrarium is an artificial closed environment meant to keep terrestrial animals, especially reptiles in it, providing all the necessary food, shelter, water, etc that are available in their natural habitats.
The terrarium should imitate the natural habitats of Reptiles that are living in the Terrarium because these Reptiles belong to the wild that still prefer to live and eat in wild fashion even with human assistance in an artificial environment.
- Terrarium should be set to similar temperatures that are similar to their natural habitats.
- Foods given to reptiles should mimic more like those foods that are available in their natural habitats. For example, live insects are better than the dead insects.
Can snakes live in a terrarium? Yes, Snakes can live in a terrarium happily, As terrarium is an artificial closed environment meant for keeping terrestrial animals, including snakes in it, providing all the necessary food, shelter, water, etc that are available in their natural habitats.
The terrarium should imitate the natural habitats of Snakes because these animals belong to the wild that still prefer to live and eat in wild fashion even with human assistance in an artificial environment.
- Similar kinds of change in temperature during day and night in their natural habitats,that is, Snakes need lower temperature at night than during days.
- Similar kinds of foods such as mice, eggs, etc those are available in their natural habitats. For example, live mice, chicks are recommended for snakes rather than the dead animals.
What Animals can live in an Aquarium?
Aquarium animals or aquatic animals can live in an aquarium. These aquarium animals can be fishes, betta fish, Guppies, Danios, Mollies, Betta Fish, Neon Tetra ,Goldfish, Angelfish, Blue Tang ,Golden Dwarf Barbs, Molluscs such as octopus, snails, squids, etc.
Can crayfish live in an aquarium? Yes, Crayfish, also known as crawfish, crawdads, and mudbugs, are the freshwater animals that belong to crustaceans, which can live in an aquarium If they are given proper care and attention.
However, Crayfish can be dangerous for other aquarium fishes and animals that are going to live with these crayfishes, because these crayfish can kill the other fishes, especially the small fishes, or weak fishes in order to eat.
Can Snakes live in an Aquarium? Yes, but not so long and snakes in an aquarium are not preferred because snakes spend less time in the water if they belong to land snakes, If it is a water snake then it can live in an aquarium.
However, snakes with other aquatic animals in the same aquarium is not recommended because they trouble each other, especially the snakes can eat the other aquatic animals such as its favorite ones, that is, fishes.
How much water should I put in my terrarium? Most of the Terrarium have very less or no water, except for drinking by the terrarium animals. Thus, you should not completely fill water in the terrarium but you should provide water for drinking only for the terrarium animals. However, you can put water in less quantity to Terrarium plants.
What are the best plants for a closed terrarium? The best plants for a closed terrarium. Mosses (Bryophytes), Spike Mosses (Selaginellas), Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii), Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya), Miniature Phalaenopsis Orchids, Small Ferns etc.
What can I keep in a 5 gallon terrarium? The 5 gallon terrarium is quiet big and spacious, especially for the following terrestrial and semi-terrestrial animals such as Invertebrates such as millipedes, beetles, scorpion, In reptiles we can keep anoles, that is, a small type of lizard, In amphibians we can keep frogs, toads and salamander.
What grows well in a terrarium? The plants, especially the terrarium plants grows well in a terrarium. The terrarium plants can be Artillery Fern (P. microphylla), Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura), Baby Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii), Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia), Croton (Codiaeum variegatum), etc.