There are many types of birds that are all identified by their unique style, feather, behavior, etc.
However, what makes them unique and identifiable is their beauty supported by vivid colorful feathers, bill shape, colors, and length, eye colors, feet length and color, wing shape and color, etc.
In this article, we will look at some of the world’s most majestic, magnificent, vibrant, radiant, and beautiful birds, as well as their native habitats, origins, biometrics, and descriptions, such as beak shape, color, wing shape, color, etc.
Table of Contents
Beautiful Birds In The World:
1.Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

The blue jay is a beautiful blue bird that belongs to the Corvidae family, and is found in eastern North America, central United States, Newfoundland, and Canada.
These crested beautiful blue birds are about 30 cm in length, about 100 gm in weight. These blue jays have a wingspan of 45 cm.
These are large songbirds known to many people because of its colors such as blue, white, and black in its plumage, round tails, white-grayish ventral surfaces, and a variety of shades such as blue, black, and white on the dorsal surfaces. These all features make them one of the most beautiful birds.
2.Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)

The golden pheasant is a bird with many colors that all together makes them look golden in color so they are called as Golden pheasant. They have other names such as the Chinese pheasant, and rainbow pheasant, which belongs to the family Phasianidae. These birds are found in western China, western Europe, North America, South America, Falkland Islands, Australia, and New Zealand.
These large and beautiful birds are about 102 cm in length and about 550 gm in weight. The golden pheasant has a wingspan of 70 cm.
The male golden pheasant have golden colored crest with a red tip, rusty colored face, chin, and neck, a long tail, green colored dorsal surface, golden-yellow rump, black spotted on cinnamon colors on the central tail, cinnamon colored tip on the tail, a scarlet breast, a dull yellow-colored legs and feet. These vivid colors make them one of most beautiful birds.
3.Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

The resplendent quetzal is a green, blue and red colored bird belonging to the trogon family that is found in Chiapas, Mexico to western Panama.
The resplendent quetzal birds are about 38 cm in length and about 220 gm in weight. These colorful birds have a wingspan of 42 cm.
These birds are famous for their colorful plumage, have red ventral surface, green colored dorsal surface, thick feathers, large eyes, long tails, a green body, a red colored breast, red belly, golden-green wing, and a variety of green, lime, ultramarine shiny feathers. These colors and a long tail make them unique and the most beautiful birds.
4.Stork-Billed Kingfisher (Pelargopsis capensis)

The stork-billed kingfisher is a beautiful kingfisher that is found in the tropical Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia.
The stork-billed kingfisher birds are about 35 cm in length and about 220-250 gm in weight.
They have a green colored dorsal surface, blue color wings and tails, a long red-maroon color bill, olive-brown head, and bright red legs. It’s feature makes them the most beautiful birds and also the largest kingfisher.
5.Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus)

The rainbow lorikeet is a species of parrot that is a colorful bird belonging to the Psittaculidae family that is found in Australia and from northern Queensland to South Australia whose habitat includes rainforest and woodland areas.
These colorful and beautiful rainbow lorikeet birds are about 30 cm in length and about 160 gm in weight. The wingspan of these rainbow lorikeets is 45 cm in length.
They have a blue head, a greenish-yellow collar, a green colored dorsal surface that includes wings, rump and tails, a round tail, a red color at the under wings, an orange-yellow chest, bright blue belly. These all features and a rainbow-like color makes the Rainbow lorikeet as one of the most beautiful birds.
6.Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)

The hyacinth macaw also known as hyacinthine macaw belongs to a parrot family that is found in eastern South America. These are the largest parrots by length measured from the head to tails.
These are the largest parrots due to their length which are about 100 cm in length and about 1-2 Kg in weight. They have a wingspan of 125 cm in length.
They have blue colored feathers and plumage, grey feathered necks, a ring around the eyes, and a long and pointed tail. These all specialties make these blue colored parrots as the one of most beautiful birds and also the largest flying parrot.
7.Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forfica)

The scissor-tailed flycatcher also called as the Texas bird-of-paradise and swallow-tailed flycatcher, is a long-tailed bird belonging to the Tyrannidae family and a genus Tyrannus, that is found in the North and Central America, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
These scissor-tailed flycatcher birds are about 22 cm in length and about 50 gm in weight. These birds have a wingspan of 15 cm.
These Scissor-tailed flycatchers have blackish wings, a round head, a long tail, a scissor shaped tail, a forked tail with white colored tips, tails of male’s birds are longer than the females, and males have brighter than females. These all-physical features make these flycatchers beautiful birds.
8.Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

The Indian peafowl or the common peafowl, or blue peafowl, is a colorful and beautiful peafowl species belonging to the Phasianidae family that is found in the Indian subcontinent and other countries.
These Indian peafowl are the large birds that are about 120 cm in length and about 5-6 Kg in weight. These magnificent birds have a wingspan of 125 cm.
These male peacocks birds are larger in size, have a fan shaped metallic blue short feather on the crown, iridescent greenish blue feathers on the sides of their head, a large colorful and fan shaped tails, and long tails have many feathers to attract the females for mating and dancing. These physical features make Indian peafowls as one of the colorful, luminosity and most beautiful birds in the world.
9.Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

The mute swan is a species of swan belonging to a waterfowl family Anatidae that is found in Euro Siberia, and north Africa.
The white colored waterfowls are large in size and about 160 cm in length and about 5-15 Kg in weight. These waterfowls have a wingspan of 100 cm in length.
These are the large and heavy waterfowls, that have strong and short legs, a long neck, a white colored plumage, and an orange-colored bill, a flat bill with a bulging knob on the bill and webbed feet. These all-physical features and their strength makes them one of most beautiful white colored birds and one of the strong waterfowl as well.
10.Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

The snowy owl, also called as the polar owl, the white owl and the Arctic owl, is a large, white colored owl belonging to the True owl family that is found in the Arctic regions of North America and the Palearctic and tundra.
These white and beautiful snow owls are about 75 cm in length and about 1-3 Kg in weight. They have a wingspan of 150 cm in length.
These snowy owls are large in size, have smooth rounded heads, no ear tufts, a bulky body, strong legs, a dense feather on its legs, a white plumage with few black feathers spread throughout its body. These all make snowy owls one of most beautiful birds in the snow habitats.
11.Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

The scarlet macaw is a colorful parrot belonging to the Parrots family that is found in Central and South American, tropical Central and South America.
These vivid scarlet macaws are about 90 cm in length and about 1-1.5 Kg in weight. The scarlet macaws have a wingspan of 100 cm in length.
These birds are identified by their colorful feathers and scarlet plumage, as they have a larger tail than the other typical macaws, a light blue rump, a red, yellow and blue upper wings, a dark red tail feathers and a light-yellow eye.
These all make scarlet macaw one of the colorful parrots and also one of the most beautiful and colorful birds.
12.Keel-Billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)

The keel-billed toucan, also called sulfur-breasted toucan or rainbow-billed toucan, is a colorful toucan belonging to the Toucan family and are found in the tropical jungles from southern Mexico to Colombia.
These magnificent Keel-billed toucansare about 55 cm in length and about 600 gm in weight. The Keel-billed toucanhas a wingspan of 100 cm.
These Keel-billed toucans have a large and colorful bill that is 15 cm in length, a black plumage, a yellow neck, a yellow chest, blue colored feet, a tail with red colored feather tips, a round tail and a bill that is with a red tip, orange sides, and almost green in color. These features make them unique, especially the big and colorful bills that are lighter in weight makes them special birds and one of most beautiful birds.
13.Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica)

The Atlantic puffin or the common puffin is a species of seabird belonging to the auk family that is found in the Atlantic Ocean.
These Atlantic puffins can stand upright on land that are about 30 cm in length and about 600 gm in weight. The Atlantic puffin has a wingspan of 55 cm.
This Atlantic puffin is a black and white colored bird that looks like a robot or doll because they have a short neck, big head, large triangular bill, short wings, black color back, white ventral surface. Whose bill changes its color into black, orange and yellow depending on the season and breeding. These all make them look like dolls thus they are one of most beautiful birds.
14.Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)

The Indian roller is a bird belonging to the family Coraciidae that is found in the Indian Subcontinent.
These beautiful Indian rollers are about 35 cm in length and about 180 gm in weight. The Indian roller has a wingspan of 76 cm.
These Indian rollers have deep blue, sky blue and brown colors of plumages, that is brown head and back, a pink throat, white face, blue rump, dark blue colored wings and tails, dull orange bare skin around the eyes, large head, short neck, short and yellow legs, a board wings and a round tails. The unique color and luminosity of the Indian roller makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
15.Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

The wood duck or carolina duck is a species of perching duck belonging to the Anatidae family that is found in North America.
These waterfowl birds are about 55 cm in length and about 500-850 gm in weight. The wood duck or carolina duck has a wingspan of 78 cm.
The Male wood duck is one of the most colorful and beautiful waterfowl. They have brown-red eyes, a crested head, thin neck, long and broad tails, and short wings. When it comes to the feather and body colors, they have a shiny green head, white patch of neck, thick tail, white-cream colored upperwing. These all make the male wood duck beautiful with its colors that attract females for them to mate, thus they are the most beautiful waterfowls.
16.Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea)

The scarlet tanager is an American songbird belonging to the tanager family that is found in eastern North America.
These scarlet tanagers are songbirds that are about 18 cm in length and about 40 gm in weight. The scarlet tanager has a wingspan of 30 cm in length.
The Scarlet tanager is a red-orange bird with brown-black wings, that is, they have a bright red plumage with black wings and tails, and a brown-black beak. They have physical features such as a stocky body, thick and round bills, large head and short tails. These all features make them one of the most beautiful songbirds.
17.Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)

The Baltimore oriole is a small bird belonging to the Icteridae family that is found in the eastern North America.
These beautiful Baltimore orioles are about 20 cm in length and 40 gm in weight. The wingspan of Baltimore orioles is about 30 cm in length.
These Baltimore orioles have a medium sized body, a thick neck, long legs, thick and pointed beaks, an orange-yellow color on the entire body except a black wing and tail, and a black head. The unique color of the Baltimore oriole makes it one of the most beautiful small birds in the world.
18.Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)

The northern cardinal is a red-orange colored beautiful bird belonging to the Cardinal family. The other names of the Northern cardinal are the redbird, common cardinal, red cardinal, or just cardinal that is found in Southeastern Canada, Eastern United States, Texas, Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.
These vibrant songbirds are about 24 cm in length and about 50 gm in weight. The wingspan of the northern cardinal is about 32 cm in wingspan.
The male northern cardinals are the quiet large songbirds that have long-tails, a short and thick bill, a bright red-orange color plumage, a red bill, and black face. The unique red-orange color of the body and bill of the northern cardinal makes it one of the most beautiful songbirds in the world.
19.King Penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus)

The king penguin is a flightless bird and is the second largest species of penguin belonging to the Spheniscidae family that is found in the South Atlantic, South Indian Ocean and Macquarie Island.
These brilliant King penguin birds are about 100 cm in length and about 10-18 Kg in weight.
These aquatic birds have a white and black plumage, a yellow-orange plumage on their chest, a orange color on the lower side of the mandible, dark feathers, a straight bill and can stand upright in position. The unique colour and water adaptation of the King penguin makes it one of the most beautiful penguins in the world.
20.Taiwan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)

The Taiwan blue magpie is also called the Taiwan magpie, Formosan blue magpie, or the long-tailed mountain lady, is a species belonging to the corvidae family.
These eye-catching Taiwan blue magpie birds are about 60 cm in length and about 250-300 gm in weight. The wingspan of a Taiwan blue magpie is about 50 cm in length.
These are the magnificent birds with blue and black colors on their plumage, that is, they have black colored head, neck and breast, a yellow-colored eye, a red colored bill as well as feet, a white tip on their tails and wings, a dark grey underwing, a long central tail feathers, and grey-blue eyes. These all make them one of the most beautiful birds. The blue and black color and luminosity of the Taiwan blue magpie makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world, especially while they are flying.
21.Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica)

The Nicobar pigeon is a beautiful bird with many colors belonging to the Columbidae family that is found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and India.
These striking and colorful Nicobar pigeon birds are about 40 cm in length and about 400-500 gm in weight. The wingspan of a Nicobar pigeon bird is about 60 cm in length.
These Nicobar pigeons have a round head, a short tail, a bill with a knob on it, strong legs, a green metallic plumage, a grey head, a white tail, red colored legs and feet, and a brown ventral surface. These physical features make the Nicobar pigeon one of the colorful birds and most beautiful birds in the world.
22.Indian Golden Oriole (Oriolus kundoo)

The Indian golden oriole is a golden-yellow and black colored bird belonging to Oriolidae family that is found in the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia.
The Indian golden oriole is a medium sized bird that is about 26 cm in length and about 60-80 gm in weight. The wingspan of an Indian golden oriole bird is about 45 cm in length.
The male beautiful Indian golden oriole has a yellow-colored body, a black colored wing, black color inside their tails, a black color around the eyes, a pink colored bill. while females have dull green-yellow plumage with green-brown color wings, and a red iris. Which all features, especially the yellow-golden color makes them one of the fascinating and beautiful birds in the world.
23.Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus)

The green peafowl is a magnificent peafowl belonging to the Phasianidae family that is found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia.
These magnificent Green peafowl are the large birds that are about 180 cm in length, about 4-5 Kg in weight. The wingspan of a Green peafowl is about 150 cm in length.
These large and beautiful Male Green peafowl have an overall bluish-green plumage, a metallic-green breast and neck, a triangle shaped scaly feathers on the shoulder, a blue greater wings covert. while the females have a blue lesser coverts and neck scales. The unique color and dazzling of the Green peafowl make it one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
24.Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri)

The spectacled eider is a large sea duck belonging to the duck family that is found in the coasts of Alaska and northeastern Siberia.
These interesting and fascinating Spectacled eiders are about 55 cm in length and 1-2 Kg in weight. The wingspan of a Spectacled eider is about 90 cm in length.
This is a medium sized sea duck in which males have a black and white plumage, a white dorsal surface and a round patch around the eyes. whereas the females have a brown-black plumage. This unique color and pattern of the Spectacled eider makes it one of the most beautiful ducks in the world.
25.Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata)

The mandarin duck is a perching duck species belonging to the Anatidae family that is found in the East Palearctic, china and japan.
These rich colored and beautiful mandarin ducks are about 50 cm in length and 500-600 gm in weight. The wingspan of a mandarin duck is about 80 cm in length.
These ducks have white, black, brown, green and blue colors of feathers in its plumage, especially male ducks have a red bill, reddish face, white colored crescent, purple breast with white stripes. Whereas the females have white eye rings, a pale colored bill tips and a dull crest. These all features and colors make mandarin duck one of the most beautiful waterbirds in the world.
26.Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola)

The bananaquit is a golden-yellow colored bird belonging to the Thraupidae family that is found in South America, southern Mexico, northern Argentina, Caribbean Islands and Florida.
The Bananaquit is a very small bird that is about 13 cm in length and 10-20 gm in weight. The wingspan of a Bananaquit is about 20 cm in length.
The Bananaquit have a short and pointed bill, a grey throat, bright yellow underparts, dark grey underparts, black colored crown, yellow-golden colored chest, belly and rump. These colors and features make them one of the beautiful birds in the world.
27.Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

The greater flamingo is a large and most widespread pink colored bird that belongs to the flamingo family and is found in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, middle east, and southern Europe.
These tall, pink colored and beautiful Greater flamingos are about 150 cm in length and 2-4 Kg in weight. The wingspan of Greater flamingo is about 120 cm in length.
These are the large birds found in the water habitats that is a large type of flamingo in the world, that have pink colored plumage, that is a white-pink color of feathers all over the body, a pink bill, a black colored bill tip, a pinkish long leg, a red wing covert with black flight feathers. The unique pink color and tall of the greater flamingo makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
28.Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus atric)

The laughing gull is a one of the beautiful seagulls that are called so because they give laugh-like calls and belong to the gull or Laridae family that is found in the Atlantic coast of North America, the Caribbean, and northern South America.
The laughing gull has a medium-sized body that is about 40 cm in length, about 250-320 gm in weight. The wingspan of a Laughing gull is 110 cm in length.
The adult male Laughing gull has a white and black plumage that is a white lower body, a long wing, a black colored back, black color upper tails, black hood, round head, a black head with red colored long bill. The unique black and white color and physical features of the laughing gull makes it one of the most beautiful birds in the world.